The Smart Mover Release Notes contain information about the new features, changes, fixed issues, known issues and upgrade instructions for each release of Smart Mover version 10.
The versions are listed by version number in descending order. Use the Navigation block to the right of the page to quickly navigate to the information of a released version, or filter the article by version to only show that version.
Filter by version:
Smart Mover 10.11.5
Smart Mover 10.11.5
Release date: 27 August 2024
The download files for Smart Mover can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
The following features have been added in this release of Smart Mover:
- Added an option to the Send Mail Task to not include the User Name in the message.
- Added a Preference to control how many subfolder levels should be opened and displayed in any "Select Folder" dialog.
Note: If you need to access a "lower" folder that is not displayed, then click the disclosure triangle (macOS) or plus-sign (Windows) to open the required subfolders.
- Added an option to the Send Mail & Send Folder List Mail Tasks to "Use SMTPS://" (default is On) to support mail servers that want only "SMPT://" (such as Microsoft Exchange).
- Added an option to Preferences > Error Handling Email to "Use SMTPS://" (default is On) to support mail servers that want only "SMPT://" (such as Microsoft Exchange).
The following changes have been made in this release of Smart Mover:
- The Mover Manager to Mover Service connection is now encrypted by default.
- Improved the error message from the server when setting up a Google Translate Task.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Smart Mover:
- Improved the Studio Admin Sync reliability.
- The FTP Put Task now properly encodes folder path names.
- The Studio Transfer Task could fail with a Type error on some Custom Fields.
The Smart Mover User Guide has been updated.
Smart Mover 10.10.2
Smart Mover 10.10.2
Release date: 26 March 2024
The download files for Smart Mover can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Smart Mover.
The following changes have been made in this release of Smart Mover:
- Support for Studio names longer than 64 characters has been removed until a future undetermined release.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Smart Mover:
- The User Guide has been updated, the one that was provided with Smart Mover 10.10.1 was based on a version that was not the previous version.
No changes to the Smart Mover User Guide have been made, other than updating the Smart Mover version number.
Smart Mover 10.10.1
Smart Mover 10.10.1
Release date: 21 February 2024
The download files for Smart Mover can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Smart Mover.
The following changes have been made in this release of Smart Mover:
- The Assets Login now passes the username and password in the body of the request rather than the URL. This was done to improve security.
- Support has been added for Studio object names up to 255 characters when the server version is 10.38 or newer.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Smart Mover:
- The WW Studio Transfer Task now removes the value from "C_CS_ARTICLE_TEMPLATE_ID" since it is invalid on the destination server.
- The WW Studio Transfer Task transfers the BasicMetaData StoryID value.
- The WW Studio Admin Transfer Users Task log message incorrectly said "Source" instead of "Destination"
- The Send Folder List Mail Task was not properly applying the "User Name" and "From" which could result in a login denied error.
- Some Task setup controls would overlap in Smart Mover Manager when using for macOS 13.x
- All AWS services use now use TLS1.2.
- The Set Status to Next code Task was changed to comply with Studio Server version 10.35.0.
- Studio upload Tasks where the file name was more than 64 characters and included more than one “.” would truncate the file name to the first “.”.
No changes to the Smart Mover User Guide have been made, other than updating the Smart Mover version number.
Smart Mover 10.9.8
Smart Mover 10.9.8 build 16
Release date: 8 March 2023
The download files for Smart Mover can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Smart Mover.
The following changes have been made in this release of Smart Mover:
- Removed WW Assets query builder deprecation warnings as the "builder" is no longer deprecated.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Smart Mover:
- JSON to XML conversion now replaces any control characters with spaces to avoid invalid XML.
- Studio Dossier Folder Upload could incorrectly delete files that had not been uploaded due to errors.
- WW Studio Check-in could leave parts of the embedded ID in the file name if it was longer than 63 characters.
- WW Studio Copy with option to convert Templates would not properly convert the Mime Type of Digital, WCML & WWCX Articles.
- WW Studio Check-In could incorrectly overwrite some existing metadata fields with blanks.
The Smart Mover User Guide has been updated.
Smart Mover 10.9.2
Smart Mover 10.9.2 build 10
Release date: 1 July 2022
The download files for Smart Mover can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
The following has been added in this release of Smart Mover:
- Added an option to the WW Studio Admin Transfer Task to transfer Access Profiles, Users, User Groups, Routing and Authorization User Groups.
The following changes have been made in this release of Smart Mover:
- Improved HTTP Logging for Assets when an error occurs.
- Obfuscate more passwords in HTTP logs.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Smart Mover:
- The Get Mail Task would remove any "_" from attachment names.
- The Studio Transfer Task setup window would require setting the Source server before Destination. Now either order works.
- The Copy File Task on Windows setup window 'include subfolders' check box did not display properly.
- The Mount Volume Task SMB option now works on newer macOS versions.
- The Search & Replace Task could corrupt binary files if the source and destination encodings were different.
- The Assets Download, Assets Web Hook Download and Assets to Studio Transfer Tasks would generate an error when downloading Collections under recent releases of Assets.
- The FTP Get and FTP Put Tasks could fail to authorize with SFTP.
- Improved parsing of WW Asset queries for multi-bit characters and UTF8 encoding.
The Smart Mover User Guide has been updated.
Smart Mover 10.8.1
Release date: 1 November 2021
The download files for Smart Mover can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
The following has been added in this release of Smart Mover:
- A preference to the WW Assets Task controlling how long to keep unprocessed Webhooks.
- The macOS Mover Manager & Mover Service are Universal builds (run natively on Intel and Apple Silicon machines).
- The Run Command Line Task now allows you to optionally upload a script file (php, bat, etc) to the Base Path, instead of requiring to access the Base Path.
- Support for TLS 1.3.
The following changes have been made in this release of Smart Mover:
- The limitation on the length of Studio passwords has been removed.
- The length of Studio & Assets logged error messages has been reduced.
- The Delete Files Task no longer puts a message into the system log when a folder that contains undeleted files is not deleted.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Smart Mover:
- S3 download & Upload did not work with Buckets in "us-east-1" Region.
- Studio version numbers were not properly checked for Studio Admin Sync Task.
- The Studio Copy Task could fail if the Brand was changed but the Status was not.
- The Studio Download, Make Folders, Folder Upload & Dossier Folder Upload Tasks now support Brand, Category, Channel & Issues names that contain "/", "\", ":" by using URL type encoding in folder names. For example: "/"= %2F. If this situation applies to you and you use Studio Make Folders you should delete that Task from any Processes and recreate it.
- The Studio Mod MetaData could replace " with ' even in fields that are not being modified.
The Smart Mover User Guide has been updated.
Smart Mover 10.7.1
Release date: 1 March 2021
The download files for Smart Mover can be found in the Release announcement.
New features
No features have been added in this release of Smart Mover.
The following change has been made in this release of Smart Mover:
- Support for passwords with unlimited length. Previous versions of Smart Mover were limited to around 70 characters.
Fixed issues
No issues were fixed in this release of Smart Mover.
The Smart Mover User Guide has been updated.
Smart Mover 10.7.0
Release date: 17 January 2021
New features
The following features have been added in this release of Smart Mover:
- The JSON RPC Task now allows you to enter additional headers in the HTTP request.
- The SOAP RPC Task now allows you to enter additional headers in the HTTP request.
- The Post URL Task now allows you to enter additional headers in the HTTP request.
- Added Convert XML to JSON Task.
- Added AWS Image Recognition Task.
- Added Google image Recognition Task.
- Added support for Assets Webhooks and the WW Assets Webhook Download Task.
- The Smart Mover Service "WWAssetsReturnMetaData.xml" file has been eliminated. Instead you can now control which metadata fields are returned by WW Assets from the new Preferences >WW Assets window.
The following changes have been made in this release of Smart Mover:
- Both JSON RPC and SOAP RPC Tasks assume the source file is UTF8.
- When testing any WW Assets query deep nested Collections are not displayed.
- Several improvements to the Convert JSON to XML Task including better support for name spaces and attributes.
- The Make SubFolders Task now allows naming of sub-folders based on the name of the file being moved.
- The WW Assets Download Task no longer supports the 'Replace' option. Any duplicate files are 'Renamed'.
- The Preferences >Logs 'Log HTTP Data debugging option has been improved for WW Asset calls.
- The Copy Files Task feature to delay and only copy "stable" files now does not delay if there are no files in the source folder.
- The Delete Files Task by Mac Type has been removed. Use file extension instead. If a Delete Files Task is using Mac Type then you will get an error and no files will be deleted.
- The Copy Files Task by Mac Type has been removed. Use file extension instead. If a Copy Files Task is using Mac Type then you will get an error and no files will be copied.
- The Move Files Task has been deprecated. Existing Tasks will continue to run but for new Tasks use Copy Files with the 'delete original' option. The Translate Tables option should be replaced with the Search & Replace Task.
- The Translate Tables option of the Move Files Task filtered by Mac Type has been removed. Use file extension instead. If this option is being used you will get an error and no files will be Moved.
- The Change File Extension Task has been deprecated. Existing Tasks will continue to run but for new Tasks use Rename Files.
- Preferences > Extension Conversions has been removed. Mac Types and Mac Creators are no longer supported. File extensions are now exclusively used to control the type of file.
- HTTPS Preferences have been moved from the Misc tab to the new Security tab.
- You can now change the Manager to Service password in the Preferences > Security tab.
- You can now turn on or off the Manager to Service communication encryption from the Preferences -> Security tab.
- When WW Assets Download Task saves a -metadata.xml file it saves the name of the downloaded file into a node called <e:smartMoverName>. This was done in case the file was renamed due to a duplicate.
- TLS connection type option added to e-mail error logs.
- TLS connection type added to Send Folder List Mail Task.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Smart Mover:
- The Send Mail Task would not properly log activity if Prefs >Logs was turned on.
- The Send Mail Task would not properly apply TLS type.
- The Test button on the WW Assets to WW Studio Transfer setup window would not properly enable.
- The WW Assets ModMetaData Task Undo check-out' would fail if more than one asset needed to be undone.
- When the WW Assets Download Task saves a file it now properly renames the file with a "-" sequential digit to prevent duplication and overwriting of the -metadata.xml file.
- The WW Studio Dossier Folder Upload and WW Studio Dossier Upload Tasks now double check the original folder for any new files which may have been added before deleting the folder.
- The Send Mail Task can now properly send when Mover Service running on EC2.
- Xpaths from WW Assets metadata files would not process due to name space issues.
- Mac Mover Service RBScripts would not run due to code signing issues.
- WW Assets Check Out-in would warn about deprecated query builder even if the Task was only checking-in.
- Both Image Processing (IM & sips) would not properly rename an associated -metdata.xml file if the parent file was being renamed.
- Namespace problems have been eliminated when using {xpath} values from WW Assets in the Send Mail and both Image Processing Tasks.
- Multi-line Run Command Line Tasks would not run properly.
The Smart Mover User Guide has been updated.
Smart Mover 10.5.0
Release date: 4 August 2020
New features
The following features have been added in this release of Smart Mover:
- Error message can now be posted to Slack.
- The "Slack Message Post" Task was added.
- You can now include user based Process Notes in addition to Task Notes for any Process.
The following changes have been implemented in this release of Smart Mover:
- New WoodWing branding for Enterprise and Elvis have been implemented. WW Studio and WW Assets are now used. This includes Task names. Existing Tasks using the old names will continue to run but newly created Tasks use the new branding.
Smart Mover Service support files and subfolders have also been renamed accordingly.
- The WW Assets Modify MetaData Task now includes the option to "Undo CheckOut".
- Running Smart Mover Service on a Mac no longer requires running "" before the service is first run.
- Dark Mode is now supported for Smart Mover Manager.
- The Copy Files Task now includes the option to delete empty subfolders. Previously they were automatically deleted.
- When modifying any WW Assets Task that uses a query to select the assets to be processed you will get a warning if you are using the Query Builder to do that selection. The Query Builder is now deprecated and instead the Query String should be used.
Fixed issues
- Both Image Processing Tasks (IM & SIPS) now properly move or delete associate -metadata.xml files.
- Process setting could be corrupted if line ending were included in Task User Notes.
- Process error log e-mail address was limited to 25 characters.
- FTP Get could fail to delete files named with diacritical marks.
- Copy Files could delete folders that it should not have.
- FTP Put could delete a non-empty subfolder if the file arrived after processing started.
- The Twitter Task setup window PIN retrieval and testing was updated based on changes made by the service.
The Smart Mover User Guide has been updated.
Smart Mover 10.4.1 - build 27
Release date: 9 April 2020
New features
The following features have been added in this release of Smart Mover:
- Smart Mover Manager can now export Log file detail. Open the Log then select All or the entries you want and click export. Errors or warnings are indicated by an exclamation mark in first column.
- The Preferences > Logs window includes the option to download the HTTP Logs from the Smart Mover Service machine to the Smart Mover Manager machine desktop. You can also Clear the Logs. This was done to eliminate the need to access the Smart Mover Service machine directly.
- The Preferences >Misc window includes 2 options that are invoked when Smart Mover Manager is launched: "Open Connect Window to Service" and "Auto Connect to Service". The first one simply opens the Connect window where you can enter the password and connect. The second will automatically connect to Smart Mover Service if the password has also been provided.
- When setting up various Tasks the "select folder dialog" now includes the option to Upload files into the selected folder. You can now also Delete files or folders. This was done to eliminate the need to access the Smart Mover Service machine directly. The upload option should be used for scripts, templates and other supporting files and not for production files like images, layouts, and so on.
- Image File Processing IM & SIPS both now allow the command to include data from an associated -metadata.xml file. This is done by entering {/pathToMetadata} in the command.
The following changes have been implemented in this release of Smart Mover:
- Updated AWS Translation languages.
- The Enterprise Transfer Task now keeps the Destination layout locked until all child relations are set. This was done to prevent Enterprise InDesign Server Automation from processing the layout before its relations are set.
- The New WoodWing logo has been added to the splash screen.
- The Send Mail Task debug data is now included in HTTP Logs.
Fixed issues
- The S3 Upload & Download Task setup now works for all Regions.
- The Enterprise Mod MetaData Task can now modify custom metadata fields that are null in the database.
The Smart Mover User Guide has been updated.
Smart Mover 10.4.0 - build 24
Release date: 18 November 2019
Important notes
New features
The following new features have been added in this release of Smart Mover:
- Support for MacOS 10.15 (Catalina) has been added.
- The Copy Files Task now includes the option “Copy Files that have been stable for X seconds". This option can be used to insure that each file is not still being written to by another application.
Background: Before any Task operates on a file it checks to see if another application has the file open. It does this by briefly opening the file with write access. If the file cannot be opened then it is assumed that another app is still writing to it and it is skipped until the next time the Task runs. But there are some situations where this technique may not always work. To work around those times, using this option, the Task first gets a list of all the file sizes that it will be processing. It then waits for the designated number of seconds before it tries to copy each file. If the file size has changed during that delay or the file was not in the original list, it is skipped until the next time the Task is run.
- Elvis Update Bulk Task added. This Task does the same as the Elvis Mod MetaData except that all the processing is done server side with a single command. The Elvis Mod MetaData runs the desired query and then updates each asset one at a time, logging each update. If you are updating more than a few hundred assets then you should use the Bulk Task. It is much faster but does not provide a detail log of the assets that have been updated. Once completed, the Bulk Task will log how many assets where updated along with the number of errors. No detail is available though.
- Both Google and AWS Translate Tasks now include the option to “Add Translation Language Code to File Name”. This allows you to translate the same file into multiple languages and place them all into the same folder. So a file named “sometext.txt” translated into Spanish would be named “sometext-es.txt”.
- Both Google and AWS Translate Tasks can now dynamically translate into languages designated in an associated -metadata.xml file. This is done by picking "-metadata.xml XPath” in the Translation Language pop-up and then providing an XPath valid expression.
Example: If I have a custom Enterprise field called “Languages” and a User enters “es” (the code for Spanish) into that field for a particular article, I can then use the Enterprise Download Task including both the “native” and “metadata” for that article. If I enter "//ExtraMetaData/ExtraMetaData[Property='C_LANGUAGES']/Values/String” into the XPath field then the article will be translated into Spanish. Additionally, if a comma-delimited list of language codes is provided in that field then the file will be translated into each of those languages. So if I entered “es,de” into the Languages custom field for the article, it would be translated into both Spanish and German. Each Translated file name will include the language code to differentiate them and prevent overwriting.
- The AWS Translate Task now includes: Hindi, Malay, Norwegian, and Persian.
- The Enterprise Check Out-In Task now includes the option to set the Status to any given value. This can be done for both the Check-Out and Check-In functions.
The following changes have been implemented in this release of Smart Mover:
- If Smart Mover Manager has found an Enterprise WWSettings.xml file, the path to that file is now displayed on the About window. This was done to make it easier to determine which WWSettings.xml file is being used.
- When any Task logs in to Enterprise, the URL to that server is now included in the Log entry. Previously only the server name was included.
- Logs now include the name of the Task being run.
- Logs error details are limited to the first 500 characters. This was done to avoid including long Elvis call stacks. The error message itself is not limited.
- The Image File Processing (IM) Task now includes better error messages if it fails.
- The Elvis log-in code has been refactored to better handle load balancers.
- The Enterprise Download Task checks for locks just before each object is downloaded instead of checking when the query is run. This minimizes the possibility of the lock status changing between the time the query was run and the file is to be downloaded.
- E-mailed error Logs are now in HTML format and errors are in red to make them easier to spot.
- If AWS or Google Translate files have an associated -metadata.xml file then it will be placed in the destination folder along with the native translated file.
- The library that performs all zip and unzip operations has been replaced with a new one.
- If you use the Enterprise Copy Task to copy entire Dossiers including children then the child Status will not be changed if you are copying to the same Brand. However, if the copy is into a different Brand, Smart Mover will attempt to find and apply the same Status as the original under the new Brand. If that Status cannot be found then the 'first' Status will be used.
Fixed issues
- Some Elvis Upload errors would not be properly flagged at the Process level.
- When setting up and testing an Elvis query the results window would not include the Status.
- "User Address" has been added to the Preferences >Error Logging e-mail settings. This was done to comply with some SMTP server requirements.
- The Get Mail Task would not save any text at all if the message only contained HTML and the option to save HTML was turned off. Now plain text will be saved if that is the one rendition available.
- The buffer size used by the FTP Put Task has been increased to improve performance.
- HTTP Logs for the Enterprise Copy Task were incomplete.
- The Elvis Folder Upload Task now generates an error if a -metadata.xml override fails. However, the file is still uploaded.
- The Elvis Folder Upload Task now lets you use a -metadata.xml override to change the file name by specifying a "filename" node.
The Smart Mover User Guide has been updated.
Smart Mover 10.2.1 - build 19
Release date: 18 June 2019
New features
No new features have been added in this release of Smart Mover.
No changes have been made in this release of Smart Mover.
Fixed issues
The following issue has been fixed in this release of Smart Mover:
- The Enterprise Download Task would not include ‘output’ files even if they were present in the system.
No changes to the documentation have been made in this release of Smart Mover.
Smart Mover 10.2.0 - build 17
Release date: 9 May 2019
New features
The following new features have been added in this release of Smart Mover:
- The Enterprise Download, Enterprise to Elvis Transfer, Enterprise Transfer, Enterprise Mod MetaData Tasks all now include the option to set their Status to a given Name. This is in addition to the existing option "Set to Next".
Note: It is important that the provided Status Name exists for all the Brand and Object Type combinations that are selected by the query. If that Status Name is invalid for a particular object then an error will be generated and the current Status will not be changed.
- The Elvis Download, Elvis Check Out & In, Elvis Transfer to Enterprise, Elvis Mod MetaData, and Elvis Delete Assets Tasks now allow the use of a "Query String" in addition to the existing "Query Builder" to select the assets that should be acted upon.
The "Query String" uses the same syntax as the Elvis Pro Client app "Search" field. This way, the string can be constructed using the Pro Client and then copied and pasted into the Smart Mover setup window. Keep in mind that the "Query String" will not apply any Filters that you may be using in the Pro Client; it must therefore select the appropriate assets without Filters.
If you have both a "Query String" and a query built with the "Builder" then only the "Query String" will be used to select the desired assets and the "Builder" setting will be ignored.
For more detailed information about the "Query String" syntax, click the link located just below the field in the Task Setup window or visit Searching for files in Elvis 6 by using a query.
Note: AWS Elvis 5 installations with Elastic and Application Load Balancers are supported.
- The Enterprise Mod MetaData Task now includes the option to "unlock" (abort check-out) the selected objects.
Note: Use this feature carefully; improperly unlocking objects could lead to workflow problems.
- The Enterprise Mod MetaData Task now allows you to copy field values from one metadata field into another for each selected object. This is done by entering a valid Xpath statement proceeded with a "&" into the "value" for that field. For example if you wanted to put the Status Name of the Object into a custom field then set its "Value" to "&//WorkflowMetaData/State/Name".
- The AWS Translate and Google Translate Tasks can now also translate Print articles (.wcml files).
The following changes have been implemented in this release of Smart Mover:
- The Twitter character limit has been increased to 280.
- The AWS Translate Task no longer requires one language to be English. AWS removed this requirement so this change was made.
- The AWS Translate Task now also supports Korean and Indonesian.
- The "Smart Mover Error Files" folder has been moved from the "Smart Mover Service Support" folder into the "Base Path".
Note: This was done to allow easier access to the files and possibly use a Smart Mover Process to manage them. Any existing files will automatically be moved to the new location when Smart Mover Service 10.2.0 is first launched. If you have to revert to an older version of SMS then a new folder in the old location will be created and used, potentially resulting in files in both locations. The new error folder in the "Base Path" has been named "SMS_Error_Files". |
The following changes have been made to the documentation in this release of Smart Mover:
- Smart Mover User Guide - updated
- Compatibility of Smart Mover 10 - updated
Smart Mover 10.1.3 - build 15
Release date: 29 October 2018
The following change has been implemented in this release of Smart Mover:
- Post URL Task now includes a “User-Agent” in the HTTP header.
Fixed issues
The following issue has been fixed in this release of Smart Mover:
- Smart Mover Manager incompatibility with MacOS 10.14.
Smart Mover 10.1.0 - build 14
Release date: 3 September 2018
New features
The following new features have been added in this release of Smart Mover:
- Google Translate Task added.
- AWS Translate Task added.
Note: The following languages are currently not supported by AWS but have been included in the setup window since they will be available soon: Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Hebrew, Polish, and Swedish.
- Elvis query based Task values can now be calculated using a one-line RB Script (see Appendix C in the User Guide).
The following changes been implemented in this release of Smart Mover:
- When editing a Process the Available Tasks list group was renamed "Internet & Cloud" instead of just "Internet".
- Enterprise Upload now includes an option to replace GUIDs for WCML articles.
- Enterprise Folder Upload now includes option to replace GUIDs for WCML articles.
- Enterprise Copy now includes an option to put a space between the object name and the suffix being added.
- Facebook Upload has been removed. Existing Tasks may continue to run but may begin to fail at some point.
- Enterprise Admin Transfer will now transfer Statuses as long as both servers are Enterprise Server 10.2 or newer.
- Improved Log message detail when unable to get an Enterprise object.
- Improved Proxy support for Authorization.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in this release of Smart Mover:
- Search & Replace, Image File Processing SIPS/IM, Convert File Encoding could try to process some sub folders as files generating an error.
- Search & Replace, Image File Processing SIPS/IM, Convert File Encoding might fail to return an error when it should when processing files in sub folders.
Various Enterprise Task setup windows would not include User Queries.
The Smart Mover User Guide has been updated.
Smart Mover 10.0.0 - build 10
Release date: 26 October 2017
New features
The following new features have been added in Smart Mover 10.0.0 - build 10:
- Preference to set the TLS version used for HTTPS connections specifically for Enterprise.
- Preference to optionally verify the host name when using HTTPS on Enterprise.
- Placing a certificate file in the "SmartMoverService/TLSCertificates/Enterprise/" folder will use that certificate to verify all HTTPS connections to Enterprise.
- Preference to set the TLS version used for HTTPS connections specifically for Elvis.
- Preference to optionally verify a host name when using HTTPS on Elvis.
- Placing a certificate file in the "SmartMoverService/TLSCertificates/Elvis/" folder will use that certificate to verify all HTTPS connections to Elvis.
- "Preferences > Logs > Log HTTP Data" now not only includes all Enterprise and Elvis communications but also HTTPS handshaking and certificate verification detail. (This can be used to help debug certificate problems.)
- Post URL, SOAP XML-RPC, JSON-RPC Tasks using HTTPS allow you to optionally set a certificate used to verify the host. You can also verify the host name.
- Added new Task: "Convert JSON Files to XML".
The following change has been implemented in Smart Mover 10.0.0 - build 10:
- SSL is no longer supported. Instead you must use TLS. All existing Tassk will default to TLS. This includes all Enterprise and Elvis related Tasks, Get Mail, Send Mail, Send Folder Mail List, Post URL, SOAP XML-RPC, JSON-RPC.
- All apps are now 64-bit. 32-bit Libs are not required for Linux installs.
- New system requirements imposed:
Smart Mover Manager
- Mac OS: 10.9.5 or newer
- Windows: 7 SP1, 8.1, 10
Smart Mover Service
- Mac OS / Mac OS Server: 10.9.5 or newer
- Windows: 7, 8.1, 10, Server 2016, 2012, 2008 R2
- Linux (or newer): Mint 16, Ubuntu 12.04, CentOS 7, Debian 6, OpenSUSE 11.3, Fedora 13.
Other Linux distributions may work but all require: glib 2.0, glibc-2.14,
An updated Smart Mover User Guide is available.
Fixed issues
The following issues have been fixed in Smart Mover 10.0.0 - build 10:
- Small memory leaks were fixed in several places including Search & Replace, Copy Files and Delete Files Tasks.
- Facebook Task setup "Get Albums" could cause an error.
- Facebook Task setup "Authorization" could fail to return a token.
- Enterprise XML Upload now checks validity of any external http references before uploading.
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