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Setting up users and user groups in Assets Server


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  • Piotr Nikolajuk

    Hi, for Linux all above Adding trusted SSL certificates to the default trust store are wrong. 

    First please correct path to keytool is: /srv/elvis-server/app/tools/linux/java/bin

    Then please correct the command: 
    keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore /srv/elvis-server/app/tools/linux/java/jre/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit -file /path-to-certificate/certicate.pem -noprompt

    Tested with WoodWing Assets 6.83, java 1.8.0_332

  • Maarten van Kleinwee

    Hi Piotr,

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

    I had the developers take a look at this and we now changed the Linux example from:

    $ sudo keytool


    $ sudo ./bin/keytool

    Best regards,

    Maarten van Kleinwee
    Senior Technical Writer, WoodWing Software 

  • Piotr Nikolajuk

    Maarten van Kleinwee do you consider your keytool command "-importcert -keystore ./jre/lib/security/cacerts -file <path to certificate>" works?

  • Maarten van Kleinwee

    Hi Piotr,

    Apologies for the late reply. I checked this with Support and yes, that command should work. If it is not working for you, can you contact Support to troubleshoot this? 

    Best regards,

    Maarten van Kleinwee
    Senior Technical Writer, WoodWing Software 


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