Info: This plug-in is part of a set of sample plug-ins that is shipped with Assets Server. For more information, see Assets Server sample plug-ins.
Note: The use of internal plug-ins such as sample plug-ins has been deprecated in Assets Server 6.73. These plug-ins should instead be created as an external plug-in.
The move plug-in can move assets and folders in Assets Server. This can be useful to move production data to an archive, for example.
Note: This bundled plug-in is supported for production use.
Tip: If you want to prevent users from moving content, don't give them move rights but let them use metadata (field with pulldown value "move") and use this plug-in to move them to another zone.
The plug-in configuration is for flexibility reasons, not handled through the plug-in configuration file. You will need some technical skills to configuring this plug-in correctly.
Files can be moved using a query, defined in a move webservice call inside the <cleanup>/xsl/move-request.xml file. This gives you a lot flexibility on what you want to remove.
Warning: Be careful, if you do not understand what you're doing, creating an incorrect query results in unwanted moved files.
Please read SOAP - introduction first so you understand what you are doing. Also, you can use a tool like soapUI to test you query with a search webservice call before using it in this plug-in.
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