GET/POST ?q=<query> &start=<first result> &num=<max result hits to return> &sort=<comma-delimited sort fields> &metadataToReturn=<comma-delimited fields> &facets=<comma-delimited fields> &facet.<field>.selection=<comma-delimited values> &appendRequestSecret=<true|false> &logSearch=<true|false> |
What does it do?
Search assets in Assets Server.
The REST search method gives access to all the powerful search functions provided by the Assets Server search engine. You can execute all possible queries and even use faceted search.
Apart from various types of metadata about the assets, the results returned by a search call also contain ready-to-use URLs to the thumbnail, preview and original file. This makes it extremely easy to display rich visual results.
Note: Although it is technically possible to use this call to mimic the behavior of a client application, it is not allowed to mask clients. APIs and API licenses are only allowed to be used to automate tasks.
Log in requirement
Before being able to request information from Assets Server by using a GET request or make changes to the system through a POST request, a log in to Assets Server is required. For information about the available APIs for logging in, see Assets Server REST API - introduction.
q |
The query to search for, see Searching for files in Assets Server by using a query. Required. |
start |
First hit to be returned. Starting at 0 for the first hit. Used to skip hits to return 'paged' results. Note: Search results above a total of 10,000 will not be returned due to technical limitations. Optional. Default is 0. |
num |
Number of hits to return. Specify 0 to return no hits, this can be useful if you only want to fetch facets data. Optional. Default is 50. |
sort |
The sort order of returned hits. Comma-delimited list of fields to sort on. By default, date/time fields and number fields are sorted descending. All other fields are sorted ascending. To explicitly specify sort order, append "-desc" or "-asc: to the field. Some examples:
A special sort case is relevance. This lets the search engine determine sorting based on the relevance of the asset against the search query. Relevance results are always returned descending. Optional. Default is assetCreated-desc. |
metadataToReturn |
Comma-delimited list of metadata fields to return in hits. It is good practice to always specify just the metadata fields that you need. This will make the searches faster because less data needs to be transferred over the network. metadataToReturn=name,rating,assetCreated Specify "all", or omit to return all available metadata. metadataToReturn=all Leave 'empty' to return only minimal fields metadataToReturn= Optional. Default returns all fields. |
facets |
Comma-delimited list fields to return facet for. For example: facets=tags,assetDomain Selected values for a facet must be specified with a "facet.<field>.selection" parameter. Do not add selected items to the query since that will cause incorrect facet filtering. Note: Only fields that are un_tokenized or tokenized with pureLowerCase analyzer can be used for faceted search Optional. Default returns no facets. |
facet.<field>.selection |
Comma-delimited list of values that should be 'selected' for a given facet. For example: facet.tags.selection=beach facet.assetDomain.selection=image,video Optional. |
format |
Deprecated. Do not use this parameter, it will be removed in a future version of Assets Server. Only the json format is supported.
Optional. Default is json. |
appendRequestSecret |
When set to true will append an encrypted code to the thumbnail, preview and original URLs. This is useful when the search is transformed to HTML by an intermediary (like a PHP or XSLT) and is then served to a web browser that is not authenticated against the server. Optional. Default is false. |
returnHighlightedText |
When set to true or when it is not passed, any found text is highlighted. (Applies only to assets with text as content. See Text, Office documents, presentations, PDFs below.) Set to false to turn text highlighting off. Optional. Default is true. |
returnThumbnailHits |
Collections returned in the results have an additional array with up to 4 thumbnailHits. These are minimal sets of metadata for 4 of the assets contained by the Collections. Because these are returned with the Collections, the client UI will be able to visually represent the Collection using up to 4 thumbnails of its contents, similar to how Collections are represented visually in Assets. When this option set to true or when it is not passed, Collections will be enriched with up to 4 thumbnail hits. Retrieving these thumbnails has a negative performance impact on the search request time. Set to false to not return the thumbnails. Optional. Default value:
Requires Assets Server 6.60 or higher. |
logSearch |
When set to true, an entry for this search is written to the Stats index. For repeated searches from an API endpoint, add logSearch=false to not log these. Optional. Default value: true. Requires Assets Server 6.82 or higher. |
Return value
An array of hits in JSON format. Each item in the array has the following properties.
firstResult |
Index of the first result that is returned. |
maxResultHits |
Maximum number of hits that are returned. |
totalHits |
Total hits found by the search. |
hits |
1 For information about the format of the URL, see Assets Server API - Previews. Examples:
"originalUrl" : "*/Elvis_Magazine.pdf?_=2",
"previewUrl" : "*/Elvis_Magazine_preview.jpg?_=1",
"thumbnailUrl" : "*/Elvis_Magazine_thumb.jpg?_=1"
search ?q=beach |
This call searches for "beach". For examples of more advanced queries, see Searching for files in Assets Server by using a query.
"firstResult" : 0,
"maxResultHits" : 50,
"totalHits" : 8,
"hits" : [ {
"permissions" : "VPUM-----",
"id" : "6xNvbssC4-e9xWIkH3srpK",
"metadata" : {
"widthPt" : 595.276,
"folderPath" : "/Demo Zone/Archive/Elvis Magazine",
"created" : {
"value" : 1333354075000,
"formatted" : "2012-04-02 10:07:55 +0200"
"mimeType" : "application/pdf",
"fileCreated" : {
"value" : 1333355723000,
"formatted" : "2012-04-02 10:35:23 +0200"
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"dimensionPt" : "595 x 842 pt",
"xmpModifyDate" : {
"value" : 1333354079000,
"formatted" : "2012-04-02 10:07:59 +0200"
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"value" : 1333354075000,
"formatted" : "2012-04-02 10:07:55 +0200"
"heightIn" : 11.692916666666665,
"widthMm" : 210.0001444444444,
"assetModified" : {
"value" : 1335169013000,
"formatted" : "2012-04-23 10:16:53 +0200"
"software" : "Adobe InDesign CS5.5 (7.5.2)",
"height" : 842,
"trappedPdf" : "False",
"width" : 595,
"modified" : {
"value" : 1333354079000,
"formatted" : "2012-04-02 10:07:59 +0200"
"assetModifier" : "admin",
"fileSize" : {
"value" : 2199938,
"formatted" : "2.1 MB"
"name" : "Elvis_Magazine.pdf",
"dimension" : "595 x 842 px",
"previewState" : "yes",
"assetPath" : "/Demo Zone/Archive/Elvis Magazine/Elvis_Magazine.pdf",
"pdfVersion" : "1.5",
"numberOfPreviewPages" : 7,
"heightPt" : 841.89,
"dimensionIn" : "8.27 x 11.69 inch",
"assetFileModified" : {
"value" : 1333355732000,
"formatted" : "2012-04-02 10:35:32 +0200"
"fileType" : "PDF",
"assetCreator" : "admin",
"extension" : "pdf",
"pdfProducer" : "Adobe PDF Library 9.9",
"assetCreated" : {
"value" : 1333355732000,
"formatted" : "2012-04-02 10:35:32 +0200"
"assetType" : "pdf",
"resolutionX" : 72.0,
"assetFileModifier" : "admin",
"resolutionY" : 72.0,
"resolutionUnit" : 2,
"fileModified" : {
"value" : 1333355724000,
"formatted" : "2012-04-02 10:35:24 +0200"
"resolution" : "72 px/inch",
"dimensionMm" : "210 x 297 mm",
"widthIn" : 8.267722222222222,
"xmpMetadataDate" : {
"value" : 1333354079000,
"formatted" : "2012-04-02 10:07:59 +0200"
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"heightMm" : 297.0000833333333,
"filename" : "Elvis_Magazine.pdf",
"thumbnailState" : "yes"
"highlightedText" : " has a 800 m \nlong and 30 m wide <B>beach</B> constructed. The pond is the biggest sport \npond, smaller pond, and two small ponds are ponds. Around the lakes \nand forests are footpaths. The domain is a known residence of a wide \nvariety of birds",
"originalUrl" : "*/Elvis_Magazine.pdf?_=2",
"previewUrl" : "*/Elvis_Magazine_preview.jpg?_=1",
"thumbnailUrl" : "*/Elvis_Magazine_thumb.jpg?_=1"
} ]
Below is an example of how an image is returned.
"firstResult" : 0,
"maxResultHits" : 50,
"totalHits" : 8,
"hits" : [ {
"permissions" : "VPUM-----",
"id" : "DHWrgjWCqg0ByPIdY5yM0G",
"metadata" : {
"widthPt" : 1281.6000000000001,
"folderPath" : "/Demo Zone/Images/Travel/Landmarks",
"usageRights" : "In house",
"created" : {
"value" : 1246626127000,
"formatted" : "2009-07-03 15:02:07 +0200"
"bitsPerSample" : "8 8 8",
"mimeType" : "image/jpeg",
"copyright" : "Copyright by Nicolas Raymond",
"fileCreated" : {
"value" : 1332929221000,
"formatted" : "2012-03-28 12:07:01 +0200"
"cameraModel" : "Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XSi",
"versionNumber" : 1,
"dimensionPt" : "1282 x 854 pt",
"xmpModifyDate" : {
"value" : 1332505018000,
"formatted" : "2012-03-23 13:16:58 +0100"
"assetDomain" : "image",
"xmpCreated" : {
"value" : 1246626127000,
"formatted" : "2009-07-03 15:02:07 +0200"
"tags" : [ "beach", "colorful", "peace", "relax", "sky" ],
"heightIn" : 11.866666666666667,
"termsAndConditionsURL" : "",
"usageTerms" : "Standard SXC terms still apply, but I can no longer afford to give my pictures away free beyond the SXC commercial restrictions. This includes (but is not limited to) using my stock in designs for resale (i.e. posters, t-shirts, web templates, etc). For such extended commercial use, I would usually expect some compensation like a modest licensing fee or percentage commission...As much as I would like to continue offering my pictures free, I also want to make sure my photography isn't being exploited for mass monetary gain without receiving anything in return. If still interested, feel free to message me. I'd like to think I can offer good pricing for extended commercial use, comparable to what you might pay for a standard license on a typical paid microstock website. In many cases, I can also offer larger res files.",
"widthMm" : 452.12,
"imageType" : "photo",
"public" : "True",
"assetModified" : {
"value" : 1335169024000,
"formatted" : "2012-04-23 10:17:04 +0200"
"software" : "Adobe Photoshop CS3 Macintosh",
"height" : 2848,
"description" : "Singing Sands Beach at Basin Head in Prince Edward Island...HDR composite from 3 separate exposures.",
"width" : 4272,
"url" : ",",
"modified" : {
"value" : 1332505018000,
"formatted" : "2012-03-23 13:16:58 +0100"
"focalLength" : 13.0,
"assetModifier" : "admin",
"exifVersion" : "0221",
"fileSize" : {
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"formatted" : "730 KB"
"name" : "Singing Sands Beach.jpg",
"dimension" : "4272 x 2848 px",
"source" : "Stock.XCHNG",
"previewState" : "yes",
"compression" : 6,
"orientation" : 1,
"assetPath" : "/Demo Zone/Images/Travel/Landmarks/Singing Sands Beach.jpg",
"iccProfileDescription" : "sRGB IEC61966-2.1",
"iptcCreated" : {
"value" : 1246626127000,
"formatted" : "2009-07-03 15:02:07 +0200"
"heightPt" : 854.4000000000001,
"dimensionIn" : "17.80 x 11.87 inch",
"assetFileModified" : {
"value" : 1332929225000,
"formatted" : "2012-03-28 12:07:05 +0200"
"fileType" : "JPEG",
"assetCreator" : "admin",
"creatorCountry" : "Canada",
"extension" : "jpg",
"assetCreated" : {
"value" : 1332929225000,
"formatted" : "2012-03-28 12:07:05 +0200"
"assetType" : "jpg",
"credit" : "Shot by Nicolas Raymond",
"resolutionX" : 240.0,
"assetFileModifier" : "admin",
"status" : "Draft",
"resolutionY" : 240.0,
"resolutionUnit" : 2,
"fileModified" : {
"value" : 1335169025000,
"formatted" : "2012-04-23 10:17:05 +0200"
"resolution" : "240 px/inch",
"dimensionMm" : "452 x 301 mm",
"widthIn" : 17.8,
"creatorCity" : "Montreal",
"xmpMetadataDate" : {
"value" : 1332505018000,
"formatted" : "2012-03-23 13:16:58 +0100"
"creatorName" : "Nicolas Raymond, Nicolas Raymond",
"heightMm" : 301.41333333333336,
"colorSpace" : "1",
"filename" : "Singing Sands Beach.jpg",
"rating" : 3,
"thumbnailState" : "yes"
"originalUrl" : "*/Singing%20Sands%20Beach.jpg?_=5",
"previewUrl" : "*/Singing%2520Sands%2520Beach_preview.jpg?_=1",
"thumbnailUrl" : "*/Singing%20Sands%20Beach_thumb.jpg?_=1"
} ]
search ?q=trailer |
Below is an example of how a video is returned.
"firstResult" : 0,
"maxResultHits" : 50,
"totalHits" : 2,
"hits" : [ {
"permissions" : "VPUM-----",
"id" : "BW6EeoqxqWkAVfygVfEa29",
"metadata" : {
"widthPt" : 848.0,
"folderPath" : "/Demo Zone/Video/Movie Trailers",
"usageRights" : "Rights managed",
"mimeType" : "video/mp4",
"audioCodec" : "aac",
"copyright" : "Copyright by Lionsgate, original story and characters by Suzanne Collins",
"fileCreated" : {
"value" : 1332928889000,
"formatted" : "2012-03-28 12:01:29 +0200"
"versionNumber" : 1,
"dimensionPt" : "848 x 352 pt",
"assetDomain" : "video",
"tags" : [ "hunger games", "lionsgate", "movie", "trailer" ],
"heightIn" : 4.888888888888889,
"termsAndConditionsURL" : "",
"widthMm" : 299.15555555555557,
"public" : "True",
"assetModified" : {
"value" : 1335169026000,
"formatted" : "2012-04-23 10:17:06 +0200"
"height" : 352,
"description" : "Cinematic trailer of The Hunger Games, based on the acclaimed novels of Suzanne Collins",
"width" : 848,
"url" : "",
"assetModifier" : "admin",
"fileSize" : {
"value" : 10443993,
"formatted" : "10 MB"
"name" : "The Hunger Games - Lionsgate - Trailer.mp4",
"dimension" : "848 x 352 px",
"source" : "Official movie website for international audiences",
"creatorWebsite" : "",
"previewState" : "yes",
"assetPath" : "/Demo Zone/Video/Movie Trailers/The Hunger Games - Lionsgate - Trailer.mp4",
"heightPt" : 352.0,
"dimensionIn" : "11.78 x 4.89 inch",
"videoLength" : 70144,
"assetFileModified" : {
"value" : 1332928894000,
"formatted" : "2012-03-28 12:01:34 +0200"
"fileType" : "MP4",
"assetCreator" : "admin",
"extension" : "mp4",
"assetCreated" : {
"value" : 1332928894000,
"formatted" : "2012-03-28 12:01:34 +0200"
"assetType" : "mp4",
"credit" : "By Lionsgate",
"resolutionX" : 72.0,
"assetFileModifier" : "admin",
"status" : "Production",
"resolutionY" : 72.0,
"resolutionUnit" : 2,
"fileModified" : {
"value" : 1332928890000,
"formatted" : "2012-03-28 12:01:30 +0200"
"resolution" : "72 px/inch",
"dimensionMm" : "299 x 124 mm",
"widthIn" : 11.777777777777779,
"creatorName" : "Lionsgate",
"heightMm" : 124.17777777777778,
"filename" : "The Hunger Games - Lionsgate - Trailer.mp4",
"rating" : 5,
"thumbnailState" : "yes",
"videoCodec" : "h264"
"originalUrl" : "*/The%20Hunger%20Games%20-%20Lionsgate%20-%20Trailer.mp4?_=1",
"previewUrl" : "*/The%2520Hunger%2520Games%2520-%2520Lionsgate%2520-%2520Trailer_preview.mp4?_=1",
"thumbnailUrl" : "*/The%20Hunger%20Games%20-%20Lionsgate%20-%20Trailer_thumb.jpg?_=1"
} ]
Text, Office documents, presentations, PDFs
Most document formats that contain text will return a highlightedText property with part of the text from the document. This short excerpt can be displayed in your search results. If the document was found by matched metadata and not by its text content, the first few lines of text will be returned.
search ?q=carnival |
"firstResult" : 0,
"maxResultHits" : 50,
"totalHits" : 6,
"hits" : [ {
"permissions" : "VPUM-----",
"id" : "0DeNyXKhqjx81M2zeFYzuu",
"metadata" : {
"numberOfCharacters" : 3200,
"folderPath" : "/Demo Zone/Archive/Elvis Daily/303/Fashion & Lifestyle",
"numberOfLines" : 108,
"highlightedText" : "\n \n No alcohol allowed at <B>Carnival</B> in Venezuala \n \n \n <B>Carnival</B> is a festive season which occurs immediately before Lent; the main events are usually during February. <B>Carnival</B> typically involves a public celebration or parade combining some elements",
"originalUrl" : "*/Carnival%20Venezuela.icml?_=1",
"previewUrl" : ""
} ]
Some formats also support thumbnails. In this case they will have a thumbnail URL and a bit of highlighted text.
search ?q=food |
"firstResult" : 0,
"maxResultHits" : 50,
"totalHits" : 6,
"hits" : [ {
"permissions" : "VPUM-----",
"id" : "Alf5A2S_Kn0A50T5I-lrqF",
"metadata" : {
"numberOfCharacters" : 41568,
"folderPath" : "/Demo Zone/Office/Documents",
"usageRights" : "Royalty free",
"highlightedText" : "<B>Food</B>\n\n<B>Food</B> is any substance[1] consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. It is usually of plant or animal origin, and contains essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals. The substance is ingested",
"originalUrl" : "*/Food%20history%20and%20culture.docx?_=1",
"previewUrl" : "",
"thumbnailUrl" : "*/Food%20history%20and%20culture_thumb.jpg?_=1"
} ]
Collections returned in the results have an additional array with up to 4 thumbnailHits. These are minimal sets of metadata for 4 of the assets contained by the Collections. Because these are returned with the Collections, your client UI will be able to visually represent the collection using up to 4 thumbnails of its contents, similar to how Collections are represented visually in Assets.
"firstResult" : 0,
"maxResultHits" : 50,
"totalHits" : 15,
"hits" : [ {
"permissions" : "VPUM-----",
"id" : "ATT8CDno4QCB59QHmjwnfS",
"metadata" : {
"folderPath" : "/Demo Zone/Images/People",
"description" : "Bla ",
"assetModifier" : "guest",
"name" : "People",
"assetPath" : "/Demo Zone/Images/People/People.collection",
"assetCreator" : "admin",
"extension" : "collection",
"status" : "Correction",
"filename" : "People.collection",
"thumbnailHits" : [ {
"permissions" : "VPUM-----",
"id" : "Cbg9-_ukKEZARORmuaCsn3",
"metadata" : {
"widthPt" : 872.0,
"folderPath" : "/Demo Zone/Images/People",
"bitsPerSample" : "8",
"mimeType" : "image/jpeg",
"copyright" : "Unknown, contact Stock.XCHNG for more information",
"fileCreated" : {
"value" : 1332929051000,
"formatted" : "2012-03-28 12:04:11 +0200"
"originalUrl" : "*/Kiting.jpg?_=4",
"previewUrl" : "*/Kiting_preview.jpg?_=1",
"thumbnailUrl" : "*/Kiting_thumb.jpg?_=1"
}, {
"permissions" : "VPUM-----",
"id" : "E3bQMfYBaRSBauQotGIHRm",
"metadata" : {
"exposureTime" : 0.0015625,
"widthPt" : 1600.0,
"folderPath" : "/Demo Zone/Images/People",
"yCbCrPositioning" : 2,
"created" : {
"value" : 1155147971000,
"formatted" : "2006-08-09 20:26:11 +0200"
"originalUrl" : "*/Wave.jpg?_=4",
"previewUrl" : "*/Wave_preview.jpg?_=1",
"thumbnailUrl" : "*/Wave_thumb.jpg?_=1"
}, {
"permissions" : "VPUMECD",
"id" : "3TZEqN_jae9BfjXejarHNU",
"metadata" : {
"extension" : "jpg",
"assetPath" : "/Demo Zone/Images/Beaches/Wilsons Promontory National Park 2.jpg",
"assetType" : "jpg",
"assetRevision" : 1,
"name" : "Wilsons Promontory National Park 2.jpg",
"filename" : "Wilsons Promontory National Park 2.jpg",
"assetDomain" : "image",
"thumbnailState" : "yes",
"previewState" : "yes"
"thumbnailUrl" : "http://localhost:8080/controller/thumbnail/Demo%20Zone/Images/Beaches/Wilsons%20Promontory%20National%20Park%202.jpg",
"previewUrl" : "http://localhost:8080/controller/preview/Demo%20Zone/Images/Beaches/Wilsons%20Promontory%20National%20Park%202.jpg/previews/maxWidth_1600_maxHeight_1600.jpg",
"originalUrl" : "http://localhost:8080/controller/file/Demo%20Zone/Images/Beaches/Wilsons%20Promontory%20National%20Park%202.jpg",
"originalUncPath" : "\\\\yourserver\\ElvisFilestore\\Demo Zone\\Images\\Beaches\\Wilsons Promontory National Park 2.jpg"
}, {
"permissions" : "VPUM-----",
"id" : "4hxoQEPDae1Bqz1N4pcmkk",
"metadata" : {
"exposureTime" : 0.0010,
"widthPt" : 1600.0,
"folderPath" : "/Demo Zone/Images/People",
"usageRights" : "",
"yCbCrPositioning" : 2,
"created" : {
"value" : 1190546721000,
"formatted" : "2007-09-23 13:25:21 +0200"
"originalUrl" : "*/Jump.jpg?_=5",
"previewUrl" : "*/Jump_preview.jpg?_=1",
"thumbnailUrl" : "*/Jump_thumb.jpg?_=1" ],
"originalUrl" : "http://localhost:8080/controller/file/Demo%20Zone/Images/Beaches/Beaches.collection",
"originalUncPath" : "\\\\yourserver\\ElvisFilestore\\Demo Zone\\Images\\Beaches\\Beaches.collection"
} ]
Relation search
When you perform a relation query, the results include information about the relation between each hit and the asset for which related items were searched.
search ?q=relatedTo:3gzrBlE7KFY8WAbwzQ6YbZ relationTarget:child relationType:contains |
"firstResult" : 0,
"maxResultHits" : 50,
"totalHits" : 2,
"hits" : [ {
"permissions" : "VPUM-----",
"id" : "EIGThLHQKNC9_DK0T_nnpd",
"metadata" : {
"assetPath" : "/Demo Zone/Archive/Elvis Daily/303/News/p001-Issue_303.pdf",
"relation" : {
"relationType" : "contains",
"target1Id" : "EIGThLHQKNC9_DK0T_nnpd",
"target2Id" : "0DeNyXKhqjx81M2zeFYzuu",
"relationId" : "8y_yPWrvqCG8uTdHL3QUUB",
"relationMetadata" : {
"relationModifier" : "importmodule",
"relationCreator" : "importmodule",
"relationCreated" : {
"value" : 1333118349000,
"formatted" : "2012-03-30 16:39:09 +0200"
"relationModified" : {
"value" : 1333118349000,
"formatted" : "2012-03-30 16:39:09 +0200"
"highlightedText" : "European rescue package\nNo alcohol allowed at \nCarnival in Venezuala\nRecords show \nthat one-third\nGreece is a developed country, \nwith a high standard of living and \n“very high” Human Development \nIndex, ranking 22nd in the world \nin 2010, and 22n...",
"originalUrl" : "*/p001-Issue_303.pdf?_=2",
"previewUrl" : "*/p001-Issue_303_preview.jpg?_=1",
"thumbnailUrl" : "*/p001-Issue_303_thumb.jpg?_=1"
Facet search
When you specify facets in your search, the facet values will be returned next to the results.
search ?q=green&facets=assetDomain |
"firstResult" : 0,
"maxResultHits" : 50,
"totalHits" : 2,
"facets" : {
"assetDomain" : [ {
"value" : "document",
"hitCount" : 1,
"selected" : false
}, {
"value" : "image",
"hitCount" : 1,
"selected" : false
} ]
"hits" : ...
Selected values for facets can be specified using facet.<field>.selection=<comma-delimited values>.
search ?q=green&facets=assetDomain&facet.assetDomain.selection=image |
"firstResult" : 0,
"maxResultHits" : 50,
"totalHits" : 1,
"facets" : {
"assetDomain" : [ {
"value" : "document",
"hitCount" : 1,
"selected" : false
}, {
"value" : "image",
"hitCount" : 1,
"selected" : true
} ]
"hits" : ...
Do you have corrections or additional information about this article? Leave a comment! Do you have a question about what is described in this article? Please contact Support.
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