What does it do?
Lists, creates, updates or removes Rendition Presets.
Note: A Rendition Preset is used for downloading a file from Assets Server in a predetermined format, quality and/or resolution without first having to set this format, quality and/or resolution. Rendition Presets are also known as Download Presets. For more information, see Managing Download Presets in Assets Server. |
This API can for example be used as part of the ZIP download API to obtain the Preset with which files should be downloaded before they are added to the ZIP file.
Log in requirement
Before being able to request information from Assets Server by using a GET request or make changes to the system through a POST request, a log in to Assets Server is required. For information about the available APIs for logging in, see Assets Server REST API - introduction.
Method | URL | Parameters | Remarks |
GET | /services/renditionpreset/list |
ids (optional) |
Returns a list of Rendition Preset objects owned by the current user. If the ids parameter is set (with comma-separated Rendition Preset IDs) only the specified Rendition Preset objects are returned. |
Method | URL | Parameters | Remarks |
GET | /services/renditionpreset/listAll |
- |
Returns all Rendition Preset objects owned by the current user. |
Method | URL | Parameters | Remarks |
POST | /services/renditionpreset/save |
Saves a new Rendition Preset or updates an existing Rendition Preset. When updating, add the preset id to the POSTobject. When a new preset is created, the id property can be omitted. When creating or updating a new rendition preset you can provide a specific creator. By default the authenticated user executing the call will be used. Note: Not supplying the creator on an update call will overwrite the creator field with the default. |
Method | URL | Parameters | Remarks |
/services/renditionpreset/remove |
ids |
Removes a Rendition Preset. Multiple presets can be removed in one call. |
Do you have corrections or additional information about this article? Leave a comment! Do you have a question about what is described in this article? Please contact Support.
Can you provide an example of creating a new preset with /services/renditionpreset/save?
Hi Jenni,
Apologies for the late reply. I have turned your question into a ticket for our Support team. They will contact you to assist you with this question.
Best regards,
Maarten van Kleinwee
Senior Technical Writer, WoodWing Software
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