Axaio’s MadeToPrint integration with Enterprise offers features for automatically outputting to print and PDF. Enterprise can be configured in such a way that as soon as a layout and its components (such as articles or images) reaches a particular workflow status, it is processed by MadeToPrint. Once the process is completed, the layout and its components can be set to yet another workflow status.
The MadeToPrint solution is an optional feature that needs to be purchased separately and requires extra installation steps. For more information about MadeToPrint, visit
Steps for integrating MadeToPrint differ depending on the version of Enterprise Server used.

How it works
In Enterprise Server, rules are set up which determine the processing. This includes the following:
- The Workflow Status that a layout and its placed files should be set to in order to trigger the processing.
- The MadeToPrint job that should be executed.
- The Workflow Status that a layout and its placed files should be set to when the processing is completed.
- The Workflow Status that a layout should be set to in case the processing fails.
- The priority the job should have over other jobs.
The processing is done by a MadeToPrint job which is placed in a hot folder. At least one such folder should exist but multiple folders can also be created, for example to create a priority system in which a MadeToPrint job in a high-priority folder is processed before those placed in a low-priority folder.
Since Enterprise Server 10.9.0, the MadeToPrint functionality is provided as a dedicated Enterprise Server plug-in. Making the integration work involves performing the following steps:
- Enabling the plug-in
- Adjusting configuration options
- Setting up hot folders
- Running the Health Check
- Setting up rules in Enterprise Server
- Testing the integration
Note: It is assumed here that configuration steps on the MadeToPrint side such as creating MadeToPrint jobs have been completed.
1. Enabling the plug-in
The MadeToPrint functionality is provided as a Server plug-in which needs to be enabled.
Step 1. In Enterprise Server, click Server Plug-ins in the Maintenance menu or on the Home page. The Server Plug-ins page appears.
Step 2. Enable the plug-in named axaio MadeToPrint by clicking the Unplugged icon . It changes to a Plugged In icon
2. Adjusting configuration options
Options need to be configured for connecting Enterprise Server to MadeToPrint.
Copy the following options from:
and configure them as necessary. (For details, see the comments in the configuration file.)
define( 'AXAIO_MTP_SERVER_DEF_ID', '' );
define( 'AXAIO_MTP_USER', '');
define( 'AXAIO_MTP_PASSWORD', '');
define( 'AXAIO_MTP_SERVER_FOLDER_IN', '' ); // Including trailing slash
define( 'AXAIO_MTP_AXAIO_FOLDER_IN', '' ); // Including trailing slash
define( 'AXAIO_MTP_AXAIO_FOLDER_OUT', '' ); // Including trailing slash
Note: The Enterprise/config/config_mtp.php file also contains additional options. When needed, copy these over to the config_overrule.php file and configure them as necessary.
3. Setting up hot folders
The processing is done by a MadeToPrint job which is placed in a hot folder. At least one such folder should exist and should be writable.
Multiple folders can also be created, for example to create a priority system in which a MadeToPrint job in a high-priority folder is processed before those placed in a low-priority folder.
The configuration of these folders can have various levels of complexity, as explained in the next sections.
Basic setup: one named folder
In this setup a single folder is used with a known name. The system of assigning a priority is not used.
Example: Inbox.
Step 1. Create this folder at the desired location and make sure that it is writable.
Step 2. In Enterprise/config/config_overrule.php, define the path to this folder using the following options:
- AXAIO_MTP_SERVER_FOLDER_IN. The folder as seen from the perspective of Enterprise Server.
- AXAIO_MTP_AXAIO_FOLDER_IN. The folder as seen from the perspective of MadeToPrint.
(Optional) Advanced setup 1: priority folders
In this setup multiple folders are used which are processed based on their priority level.
Each priority is a number ranging from 0 (lowest priority) to 4 (highest priority). Jobs that are placed in a folder with a high number are processed first.
The priority level is set as part of a rule in Enterprise Server (as done in the next step of this article).
Linking a rule with the correct folder is done by including the priority level in the folder name.
Example: When a rule is set to priority 4, a folder (and only one folder) should exist with a name containing the number 4.
The names of the folders also need to be added to the configuration so that the plug-in knows in which folder the MadeToPrint job should be placed.
In the configuration, a placeholder is used for the priority which is replaced during run time with the priority that is set for that rule. Tokens are used to indicate the beginning and ending of the placeholder.
Example: Here, 3 folders are created containing a custom name plus a priority level:
This exists in the configuration as a single folder reference in which the priority is indicated as a placeholder. Tokens are used for indicating the beginning and end of the placeholder:
When a job creation is triggered for a rule in which the priority is set to 1, the job will be created in folder Inbox_1. When a job creation is triggered for a rule in which the priority is set to 2, the job will be created in folder Inbox_2. And so on. Meanwhile, MadeToPrint Server constantly monitors all folders and processes them in order of priority. |
Step 1. Create each folder at the desired location and make sure that it is writable.
Step 2. In Enterprise/config/config_overrule.php, define the tokens used for the placeholder, as well as the paths to the folders using the following options:
- AXAIO_MTP_TOKEN_OPENING_CHARACTER. The token which defines the beginning of the placeholder.
- AXAIO_MTP_TOKEN_CLOSING_CHARACTER. The token which defines the end of the placeholder.
- AXAIO_MTP_SERVER_FOLDER_IN. The folder as seen from the perspective of Enterprise Server.
- AXAIO_MTP_AXAIO_FOLDER_IN. The folder as seen from the perspective of MadeToPrint.
(Optional) Advanced setup 2: custom folder names
This setup works in the same way as setting up priority folders, but now a custom folder name is used during run time. Again, this custom folder name is represented in the configuration by a placeholder which is indicated by tokens. The custom folder name should be set up as a custom property in Enterprise Server.
4. Running the Health Check
Test the implementation by running the following tests on the Health Check page:
- Database Connection
- axaio MadeToPrint
If a test fails, resolve any issues by following the instructions in the test results.
5. Setting up rules in Enterprise Server
In Enterprise Server, a workflow needs to be configured which determines when and how files should be processed by MadeToPrint.
This is done by setting up a rule for a particular MadeToPrint job in which the Workflow Status is defined for a layout and its placed articles and images. When a layout and its placed articles and images are all assigned to that Workflow Status, the MadeToPrint job is created and picked up by the MadeToPrint server to process the files. Once the process is completed, the files can be set to another Workflow Status.
Note: The layout and its placed articles and images must all be assigned to the defined Workflow Status, else the job will not be created.
Example: Dedicated Workflow Statuses are set up for layouts, articles, and images: one status to set the file to so that the job creation is triggered and one status to set the file to once the job is processed and completed:
A rule is set up which determines that when a layout and all its placed articles and images are set to their 'before' status, a MadeToPrint job named 'LowResPdf' is created. When the PDF is created, the files are set to their 'after' status. |
Step 1. Create dedicated Workflow Statuses for layouts, articles, and images: one status to set the file to for triggering the job creation and one status to set the file to once the processing is completed (see example above).
Step 2. Create a rule which determines when a particular MadeToPrint job should be created. In Enterprise Server, click Integrations > axaio MadeToPrint.
The axaio MadeToPrint page appears.
Step 3. From the list of Brands, choose the Brand for which the rule should be set up.
Step 4. Click Add and define the following options. Click Save when done.
- Before: Define the Workflow Status that a layout, article, or image should be assigned to in order for the MadeToPrint job to be created for these files.
- After: Define the Workflow Status that a layout, article, or image should be assigned to when the MadeToPrint job for these files is completed.
- On Error: Define the Workflow Status that a layout should be assigned to when the MadeToPrint job fails.
Note: When a job fails, articles and images retain their assigned Workflow Status.
- Axaio: Define the MadeToPrint job and its settings that should be applied when the MadeToPrint job is picked up and executed.
- MadeToPrint Job Name: (required) The name of the MadeToPrint job that is executed.
Note: The default value is taken from the option named 'AXAIO_MTP_DEFAULT_JOB_NAME' in the config_overrule.php file as set up earlier as part of the steps for adjusting the configuration options.
- Silent: (optional) Each time a MadeToPrint job is executed, a message such as '[MTP 2018-12-21 16:36:12] OK' is produced. When the job fails or results in an error, the message can be longer. By default, this message is added to the 'Comment' field of the layout. Select this option when this message should not be added.
- Priority: (Optional, set only when using hot folders with a priority system (see earlier in this article) Set the priority: rules with a higher priority are processed before rules with a lower priority. For each priority, a dedicated hot folder should exist in which the MadeToPrint job is placed. Default priority is 2 ('normal').
6. Testing the integration
Set a file to a defined Workflow Status and verify that it is processed by MadeToPrint as configured.

Support for the Axaio integration in Enterprise Server 10.8 or lower is provided by Axaio through a dedicated Enterprise Server plug-in.
A very detailed guide is also made available by Axaio which describes the integration of MadeToPrint with Enterprise. Follow the description as outlined in this document to set up a MadeToPrint integration with Enterprise.
Support for the Axaio integration is provided by Axaio. For contact details, visit
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