The content of an InCopy article can contain more than just regular text: it can also contain tables, inline notes, footnotes and so on.
The text itself also consists more than just letters and numbers: it also contains spaces, paragraph breaks and so on.
In the Multi-Channel Text Editor of Content Station, this is displayed as follows:
- Typography characters are displayed in blue.
Examples: Space Paragraph break Tab 1 |
1 Available in Content Station 9.5.1 and higher.
- Inserted objects and unknown content is displayed in red.
Examples: table inline note unknown character. These are all characters that Content Station is not able to display. They include:
Showing and hiding hidden characters
To show or hide these characters, do the following:
Choose View > Hidden Characters
This option displays or hides all hidden characters except inserted notes. To also display or hide these, do the following:
Choose View > Notes
Reference Materials
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