After the installation of Elvis 5 Server, sufficient memory should also be allocated to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) instance in which Elvis Server itself is run, specifically to the Java heap memory.
Optimal Java heap size memory settings
The optimal performance settings for the initial and maximum Java heap memory is 50% of the machine's total with a minimum of 4GB for the -Xmx and -Xms settings.
About the maximum Java heap memory (-Xmx)
The -Xmx option controls just the Java heap memory block. The actual Java process may use more memory because it also has blocks of non-heap and native memory. It is advisable to leave sufficient memory available for the operating system.
Note: Most modern operating systems will use any remaining memory to speed up the disk cache. This can hugely improve performance of the search engine.
Changing the Java heap settings
The following samples show how to modify the Java heap memory settings on all platforms. The samples assume a machine with the following configuration:
- Amount of RAM: 16GB
This results in about 8GB that can be assigned to the Java heap memory.
Note: For platforms with a higher or lower amount of memory, adjust the memory values according to the recommendations outlined above.
Tip: Use a converter to convert Gigabits to Megabits.
On Windows
- Open the Jetty config in Notepad or another text editor.
<Program Files>\Elvis Server\elvis-service\elvis-service.conf
- Change the following lines and save the changes:
- Restart Elvis Server.
On Mac OS X
- Open the Terminal and type the following:
$ sudo nano /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.dutchsoftware.elvis.server.launchd.plist
- Change the Xmx and Xms settings:
- Save the changes and exit by typing Ctrl+X followed by Y.
- Restart Elvis Server.
On Linux
- Type the following in the command line:
$ sudo nano /srv/elvis-server/app/wrapper/conf/wrapper.conf
- Locate and adjust the following two line (they will be at the top of the wrapper.conf file): = -Xms8g = -Xmx8g
- Save the changes and exit by typing Ctrl+X followed by Y.
- Restart Elvis Server.
Document history
- 3 August 2018: Updated section 'Optimal Java heap size memory settings'.
- 3 August 2018: Updated section 'Changing the Java heap settings'.
Do you have corrections or additional information about this article? Leave a comment! Do you have a question about what is described in this article? Please contact Support.
Please provide more memory allocation examples for a node that [also] processes assets. Tools that run, in addition of elvisserver: exiftool, ffmpeg, im, gm, libreoffice, ... require their own memory (AFAIK). And unfortunately, occasionally processing very large assets can cause memory starvation for elvis-server.
1. Large setup, process only OS X node with 16 GB RAM.
Based on this article, java heap size is between 6.4 and 8 GB (40-50%). Why does the elvis-server process require so much memory? Should we not leave as much as possible memory free for processing tools?
2. Small setup, all-roles Linux server with 16 GB RAM.
Based on this, java heap size should be 4 GB (25%). I have seen a setup like this crash, when large camera raw or video files are imported.
3. Large setup, search-only Linux node with 128 GB RAM
You recommend java heap size setting of 32G GB (25%). This sounds about right, but how can I be sure this is optimal?
Does a job-runner role require additional memory?
For a running system, what are the indicators that could tell us to increase or decrease java heap size?
Should we also take account the number of cores a server has - I'd assume a 16 core server would require more memory (running more threads and tools) than a 4 core server?
And how can I be sure, that memory is optimally allocated in my processing-only nodes?
Hi Samuli,
I have passed on your comments and feedback to the development team.
Maarten van Kleinwee
Senior Technical Writer, WoodWing Software
Hello Maarten,
any progress here?
Thank you.
Hi Sebastian,
Not yet unfortunately. I have brought it to the attention of the team once more. Apologies for the delay.
Maarten van Kleinwee
Senior Technical Writer, WoodWing Software
Any progress here?
Thank you
The article has been updated.
Maarten van Kleinwee
Senior Technical Writer, WoodWing Software
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