Info: This feature requires Elvis 5.20 or higher.
POST /services/notify/email |
What does it do?
Sends an e-mail to one or multiple recipients.
Make sure that Elvis 5 is configured for sending out e-mails.
Request JSON body
"to" : "",
"subject": "Test email",
"body" : "Simple plain text body",
"htmlBody" : "<html><body><h1>HTML body</h1></body></html>"
JSON body details
Attribute | Required | Description |
to | yes | Recipient or a comma-separated list of recipients. |
subject | yes | E-mail subject. |
body | no | Plain body text.1 |
htmlBody | no |
HTML body text. 1 |
1 Both body and htmlBody can be specified to have a fallback for e-mail clients that do not understand or accept HTML e-mails.
From address
The 'from' address is defined by the user sending the e-mail (performing the API call). If this is not filled in, it will fall back to an address configured on the server:
# Email address from which API emails are sent
Return value
If the operation succeeds, an empty JSON object with status 200 will be returned. If the operation fails, the JSON object contains information on the error.
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